Power Query Essentials - online

This online course in Power Query is for anyone who wants to further increase their knowledge and skills within Excel. If you want to learn how to handle large databases like a professional, then this is the course for you! Save time by learning how to organize and analyse data at a rapid pace. 

Auktoriserad lönekonsult Auktoriserad redovisningskonsult Auktoriserad/godkänd revisor Controller Ekonomiassistent Ekonomichef/CFO Företagsekonom Lönekonsult Redovisningsansvarig/chef Redovisningskonsult Revisorsassistent Skatterådgivare/konsult

Course description

This course is for anyone who wants to get started with Microsoft Power BI. Power BI is Microsoft's software that visualises big data and gives you insights that allow you to make decisions quickly. For this course you do not need any prior knowledge as we start with the basics.

Information about the course

  • Full access to the course for 12 months
  • Around 25 lessons
  • Estimated time to complete course: 2 hours
  • Average lesson duration: 1 min 45 sec

Expenditure of time

The online course consists of around 25 short lessons, in total 42 minutes of video time. You will have access to the course for 12 months so you can go back and repeat whenever needed.

The purpose of the online course is to quickly become an advanced user of Excel. The course will make the program an important tool in your work that helps you save time and increase

After the course, Excel will be a more natural tool in your work. Among other things, you will have learned how to manage a database and analyse them by using Power Query. See the course chapters for further information.

The online course is a collaboration between FAR and Learnesy.


  1. Get Data
  2. Basic data transformation
  3. Functions in Power Query
  4. Grouping Queries
  5. Combining Queries
  6. How to perform JOINS on tables



Basic skills in Excel is required.

This course is also available in Swedish:
Grundkurs i Microsoft Power BI

Video example

English Excel

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  • Power Query Essentials - online This online course in Power Query is for anyone who wants to further increase their knowledge and skills within Excel. If you want to learn how to handle large databases like a professional, then this is the course for you! Save time by learning how to organize and analyse data at a rapid pace. 

Excelkurser online

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  • Power BI - Grundkurs Power BI är Microsofts tjänst i business intelligence. Business intelligence handlar om att analysera och sammanfatta data för att skapa en bättre uppfattning om en verksamhet. I kursen lär du dig Power BI:s grundfunktioner samt hur tjänsten fungerar i sin helhet. Du lär dig bland annat att hämta, visualisera, transformera och dela data.
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