The Excel Functions Guide - online

This online course will both guide you through the logic behind functions and also serve as an online library where you'll be able to rehears and look up useful functions.

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Course description

Excel is greatly based on functions and it is difficult to keep track of everyone. The goal is that you as a user should have discovered how many of the Excel functions work, some are familiar, others may be completely new to you. Once you have learned how the functions work, you will be able to apply them to your work directly. If you are unsure how to use a specific function, you can easily repeat the course to refresh your memory.

Information about the course

  • Full access to the course for 12 months
  • 94 lessons
  • Total video time: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • Average lesson duration: 1 minute

Expenditure of time

The online course consists of 94 short lessons that total a total of about 2 hours in video time. You have access to the course for 12 months so you can go back and repeat the course whenever needed.

The purpose of the online course is to quickly become a more advanced Excel user. The course will make the program a helpful tool in your work. You will learn many features that help you save time and increased quality in your work. With continued access to the course after watching all the lessons, you will have an online library with various functions to your disposal.

After the course, Excel will be a more natural tool in your work. Among other things, you will learn how to manage functions and simplify your work by using them. See the course chapter name for further information.

The online course is a collaboration between FAR and Learnesy.


  1. Functions with Count And Sum
  2. Logical
  3. Cell references
  4. Date and time
  5. Text
  6. Lookup and reference
  7. Financial
  8. Statistical
  9. Round
  10. Formula errors
  11. Array formulas
  12. Depreciation


Basic skills in Excel is required.

The lessons are based on the latest version of Excel and will work well with all versions without Excel for Mac 2013 and older versions.

This course is also available in Swedish:
Excelfunktioner fördjupning

Video example